Appel à contributions de l’IFLA
Voici un appel à contributions que la section Lecture de l’IFLA vient de lancer. Si l’appel est en anglais (diffusion internationale oblige…), des contributions françaises seraient les bienvenues!
Cette annonce nous est transmise par Viviana Quiñones (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Centre national de la littérature pour la jeunesse – La Joie par les livres – Secteur international)
Dear colleagues,
The IFLA Literacy and Reading section is developing an international report on “Using research to promote literacy and reading in libraries”. We want to include some examples of good practice, representative of different settings and geographic regions to make the guidelines more relevant for the international community and to enable to you sharing of your good practice.
We are looking for your contributions in three categories:
1) Sample research-based reading promotion programs (published articles)
2) Research starting points (a list of basic publications in your country or region related to reading research)
3) Relevant associations: reading research; reading promotion or both
Sample research-based reading promotion programs
Those should published articles (up to three) that describe research-based reading or literacy promotion in your country or region. We would appreciate your looking through your available literview review sites to identify such articles. We would like you to send us appropriate
entries about them; each entry should include: article’s full citation in APA style, with a 100-word abstract written in English (although the article itself can be non-English). See more about APA style citations if needed at:
We would like to include the articles dealing with reading research and promotion from all kinds of libraries – national, academic, public, school, and special. Here are three sample entries:
A) Francis, A. (2009). Thursdays with MacGyver. Children & Libraries: The
Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children, 7(2),
This reading promotion used dogs in libraries where children read out loud. Data collected revealed several benefits of therapy dogs in different settings: greater comfort reading aloud, sense of pride,
increase self-esteem, and reduced absenteeism. The LaGrange Library in Poughkeepsie, New York, started the reading dog program in 2008; it has been a success with child participants and their parents, noting reading impact and an overall sense of fun in reading and interacting with the therapy dog.
B) Simsová, S. (2008). Joy, not duty: Reading and libraries. APLIS, 21(3), 109-114.
This paper traces the history of reading promotion research, focusing on library efforts in the United Kingdom. Research about the reading experience is also synthesized. The author asserts that the best way to serve library users is to try to understand them, to ensure that they are aware of their reading needs: to promote the joy, not the duty, of reading.
C) Trott, B., & Elliott, J. (2009). Barriers to extracurricular reading promotion in academic libraries. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 48(4), 340-346.
In surveying higher education libraries without planned reading promotions, the researcher identified several barriers to such efforts: budget constraints, staff issues, and low priority. Proven
reading promotions in such settings include book displays, paperback exchange service, collaboration with public libraries for book donations and speaker series, and book discussions.
Research starting points
Please, provide a list of basic publications in your country or region related to reading research in libraries (up to three publications – APA style of citations).
Here are sample entries:
A) Farmer, L. (2002) How to conduct action research. Chicago: American Library Association.
B) Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy
Relevant associations
Please, provide a list of associations/institutions in your country or region dealing with: reading research or reading promotion, or both. Include the name of association/institution and the web address.
Here is the sample entry:
EU Read organizations:
If you cannot provide contributions in all three categories (articles, publications and associations), please, send just what you find as a good example from your country or region.
Please submit your entries to Lesley Farmer at lfarmer@csulb.eduby October 1. Thank you for your assistance.
Chair of the IFLA Literacy and Reading Section
Ivanka Stricevic, Ph.D.
University of Zadar
Library and Information Science Department
M. Pavlinovica bb, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
Tel/fax +385 (0)23 345053
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Mathilde Lévêque (30 septembre 2010). Appel à contributions de l’IFLA. Le magasin des enfants. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse