Littérature de jeunesse, Lumières et mondes extra-européens
Voici un appel à contributions pour la publication d’un recueil d’articles sur la représentation du ou des mondes extra-européens dans l’éducation et la littérature de jeunesse à l’époque moderne. Ce projet est mené par deux doctorants, Pauline Pujol (ENS Paris) et Nicholas Miller (Université de Potsdam). Les articles seront rédigés en anglais ou en allemand, l’appel est donc, une fois n’est pas coutume, diffusé en anglais.
Early Modern European Children and the Non-European World
We invite proposals for chapter-length contributions to an upcoming
volume concerning the ways children participated in the expansion of
global knowledge and horizons over the course of the early modern period
(c. 1500 – 1800) in Europe. We are particularly interested in pursuing
this through the study of media created for or presented to children,
approached through a variety of disciplinarian perspectives, including
history, literary studies, art history, history of science, and
Great discoveries of global diversity, both social and
geographical, were made over the early modern period, and such new
knowledge was spread across Europe through materials such as travel
narratives, material objects, children.s books, periodicals, and popular
histories. To what extent was this new knowledge popularised with
children directly in mind? And what was the function of presenting this
new knowledge? Was the exotic simply to serve as light, superficial
entertainment, or was there a more serious intent in mind? Could exotic
knowledge serve in some manner as an edifying force? In which contexts
was such knowledge presented?
Global diversity had significant impacts upon notions of European
identity, as well as upon national self-identification. What impact did
growing knowledge of global social diversity have upon the
study/teaching of Antiquity? And how was religious diversity treated?
These sources also offer compelling insights into changes in pedagogical
sentiments over our period. Adults invariably filter knowledge down to
children, but what are their selection criteria? What is seen as
particularly suitable for the needs or interests of children, and what
as inappropriate? How can these inform our understanding of contemporary
concepts of childhood?
We are also interested in how this theme relates to more general frames
in the European history of knowledge. How did the function of knowledge
shift from enabling the Humanist ideal of internal universal reflection
to securing the Enlightenment notion of knowledge as a form of social
membership production?
Contributions concerned with some of these questions are welcomed, as
are contributions from graduate students. This collection will be
published as part of the “Aufklärung und Moderne” series of the Wehrhahn
Verlag, Hannover. Papers can be written in English or German. If
interested in contributing, please send a short abstract (in either
English or German) of 300 words and a CV to one of the addresses below
by the 15th of October 2010. Additionally, if you have any further
questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of us.
Nicholas Miller, Universität Potsdam
Pauline Pujo, École Normale Supérieure
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Mathilde Lévêque (29 septembre 2010). Littérature de jeunesse, Lumières et mondes extra-européens. Le magasin des enfants. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse