Colloque en ligne : Books for Children. Transnational Encounters 1750-1850 – Part II
The Cotsen Children’s Library will be livestreaming Friday’s paper presentations for the symposium “Books for Children: Transnational Encounters 1750-1850” (Part II), in response to suggestions that this would allow interested people to attend long-distance.
Livestreaming will start at 9AM and end 5PM (Eastern Time), Friday, November 1 at Princeton University’s Media Central Live Website.
URL: (Password: Cotsen111)
Please join us! We hope you will enjoy the proceedings. Below is Friday’s program for your convenience.
9:00AM-10:45AM Illustrations Crossing Borders
Chair: Andrea Immel
From Michaelmas-Day to Thanksgiving: The Transatlantic Transformation of “Poor Molly Goosey” Into “La Gansa Amorosa”. Laura Wasowicz (USA)
Children as Users and Producers of Narratives and Media Across Mid-Nineteenth Century Northern Europe: Translations of Karl Blumauer’s Die kleine Stella und ihre Puppe [1832] and Der kleine Robert und sein Steckenpferd [1833] into Danish and Dutch. Nina Christensen (Denmark)
Comenius in New York. Patricia Crain (USA)
11:15AM-12:25PM Transnational Publication Practice
Chair: Charlotte Appel
“It was a book with German letters!” International Encounters in Jewish Children’s Literature. Gabriele von Glasenapp (Germany)
Reprints, Piracies, Hibernicisations: Children’s Books and Late Eighteenth-Century Dublin Booksellers. Emer O’Sullivan (Germany)
1:30PM-3:15PM Migrant Books
Chair: Karen Sánchez-Eppler
Going Global: Transnational Networks and the Spread of Cheap Print for Children. Matthew O. Grenby (UK)
Children and Popular Print in a Transnational Perspective: A State of the Discipline. Elisa Marazzi (Italy)
Girlhood as a Transnational Creation: An International Perspective on Dutch Girls’ Books (1750-1800). Feike Dietz (The Netherlands)
3:30PM-4:40PM Colonial Agents of Transnationalism
Chair: Sara Pankenier Weld
The Travels of The Traveller: Children’s Literature Circulating in the Enslaved and Colonized Nineteenth-Century Atlantic. Courtney Weikle-Mills (USA)
Agency and the Children’s Crusade Against Slavery: 1791-1833. Lissa Paul (Canada)
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Marie-Pierre Litaudon (31 octobre 2019). Colloque en ligne : Books for Children. Transnational Encounters 1750-1850 – Part II. Le magasin des enfants. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse