Colloque sur Robinson Crusoe à Roehampton
Notre collègue Rose-May Pham-Dinh, que nous remercions, nous signale ce colloque international sur le thème “In Crusoe’s Footsteps: Robinson Crusoe and the Robinsonade – A Tercentenary Appraisal”, qui a lieu à l’université de Roehampton, le 6 septembre 2019. En voici le programme :
Registration (9-9:25am)
Elm Grove, Digby Stuart Campus, University of Roehampton
Welcome/Opening Remarks (9:25-9:30am)
Keynote (9:30-10:30) (Chair: Ian Kinane) : “The Problem with Robinson.”M. O. Grenby, Newcastle University
Robinson Crusoe: The Economics of Childhood (10:30-11:30am) (Chair: Mary L. Shannon) :
“No Child is an Island: Economics and Children’s Literature.” Sarah Hardstaff, University of Cambridge
“Economics for Children.” Dominic Walker, University of Sussex
Tea/Coffee (11:30am-12pm)
International Robinsonades for Girls (12-1pm) (Chair: Ian Kinane) :
“Le Robinson des Demoiselles (1835): An Edifying Robinsonade for Young French Girls?” Ruth Menzies, Aix-Marseille University
“In Search of Sun-in-the-Hair: Captivity Narratives and the Unsettling Silence of Settler Girls in Emily P. Weaver’s The Search for Molly Marling.” Cheryl Cowdy, York University, Toronto
Lunch (1-2pm)
The Anti-Robinsonade: William Golding’s Lord of the Flies (2-3pm) (Chair: Lisa Sainsbury)
“‘Childhood is Unknown’: William Golding’s Complex Engagements with Ideas of Childhood and the Robinsonade.” Bradley Osbourne, University of Exeter
“Wartime Children: Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, and William Golding’s Lord of the Flies.” Mary L. Shannon, University of Roehampton
Break (3-3:15pm)
Religion, Imperialism, and the Heritage of the Robinsonade (3:15-4:15pm) (Chair: Alison Waller)
“God on the Island.” Lesley Smith, Independent Scholar
“Imagining a Remedy for Imperialism: Picturing the Robinsonade in Three Picturebooks for Children.” Shelley Isaacson, Simmons University, Boston
Plenary + Concluding Remarks(4:15-5pm) (Chair: Lisa Sainsbury)
“Whose Crusoe? Power, Perception, and the Perpetuation of Robinsonades.”Peter Hunt, (Emeritus) Cardiff University
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Mathilde Lévêque (4 septembre 2019). Colloque sur Robinson Crusoe à Roehampton. Le magasin des enfants. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse