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Exposition: Libri per bambini con il culto dell’immagine

Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer une exposition, qui se tient actuellement à Rome, de livres photographiques pour l’enfance issus de la collection privée de Giuseppe Garrera et de la bibliothèque de la Fondazione Malaspina. Le commissariat d’exposition est assuré par Alessandro Dandini de Sylva et l’association Cartastraccia. L’exposition se tient à la Fondazione Pastificio Cerere (Via degli Ausoni 7, Roma) jusqu’au 16 février 2019.

On Wednesday, December 5th, 2018 at 18.00h, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere presents Libri per bambini con il culto dell’immagine (Books for children with the cult of image). This is an exhibition of photography publishing for children that includes publications from Giuseppe Garrera’s private collection and Fondazione Malaspina’s library; it is curated by Alessandro Dandini de Sylva and Cartastraccia. Workshops are going to take place in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut and the association Piuculture.

The whole project has been conceived to deeply analyze the productive industry of the photography publishing for children; it focuses on the most cutting-edge experiences in the Italian and international scene from the Sixties to the current years. The project is an original work of specific census and research of this rich production for children, which Italy is lacking right now.

The exhibition core will be a selection of books for children that will include part of Giuseppe Garrera’s collection, with the rarest publications and series by Italian publishers from the Sixties and Seventies, such as Dalla parte delle bambine, Einaudi, Emme Edizioni, etc. and authors such a s Bruno Munari, Gianni Rodari, Umberto Eco, Nico Orengo, Flavio Costantini, Mario De Biasi. Along with these books, publications of photography publishing for very young children, children, and teenagers will be exhibited; these works have been acquired by Fondazione Malaspina for its library of contemporary photography from international publishers, such as Corraini, Ecole Des Loisirs, Greenwillow Books, Nanaroku Sha, and many more.

At the beginning of the exhibition path, some of Bruno Munari’s original xerographies will be exhibited, along with the first edition of “Xerografie originali” published in 1977, within the series

“Quaderni di design” that Munari curated for Zanichelli. The unique Munari’s copies will be an inspiration for visitors, who will be invited to freely experiment the use and working of a Xerox copy machine, which is conceived as an instrument not only to reproduce, but to produce images, as well. Thus, the Fondazione exhibit venue will be an active space, destined to change during the whole exhibition duration by means of young and adult visitors’ participation.

Beyond the exhibition, several workshops will take place: one with German artist Max Renkel, carried out in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut; an intercultural one in collaboration with the association Piuculture; and a series of visits for children led by the association Cartastraccia.

Fondazione Pastificio Cerere
Via degli Ausoni 7, Roma
Monday – Friday 15.00-19.00, Saturday 16.00-20.00 FREE ENTRY


Fondazione Pastificio Cerere

Organizational office: Claudia Cavalieri and Emanuela Pigliacelli +39 06 45422960

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Cécile Boulaire

maître de conférences HDR à l'Université de Tours, est spécialisée en littérature pour la jeunesse.

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Cécile Boulaire (5 janvier 2019). Exposition: Libri per bambini con il culto dell’immagine. Le magasin des enfants. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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