Translation Studies and Children’s Literature
Nous relayons l’appel à contributions de la revue brésilienne Belas Infiéis, consacré à la traduction en littérature pour la jeunesse: la date limite est fixée au 20 février 2019. Belas Infieis est la revue du département des études de traduction de l’université de Brasilia. Ce numéro est co-dirigé par Lia Miranda de Lima et Alvaro Faleiros, professeur de littérature française à l’université de São Paulo et également auteur de livres pour enfants.
Translation Studies And Children’s Literature
The consolidation of Translation Studies as a field of scholarly research, in the 1980s, is contemporary to the publishing of two pioneering works regarding children’s literature and translation: Gita Klingberg’s Children’s Fiction in the Hands of the Translators and Zohar Shavit’s Poetics of Children’s Literature, both from 1986. From then on, in Brazil and abroad, important events have taken place and numerous works have been dedicated to this subject, including monographs, theses, dissertations, articles, and books. Some of the themes that have arisen in the most recent events and publications are: (1) history of translation for children; (2) translating picture books and multimodality; (3) adaptations for children; (4) problems in translating cultural elements; (5) translation and morals; (6) the translator’s voice; (7) the child reader’s image; (8) the double addressee in translation of children’s literature, among others. Following up these advances, and aiming at cooperating with the consolidation of this field in Brazil, we invite researchers to present contributions in the form of articles, reviews, translations and interviews that discuss some of the above-mentioned topics, or others regarding translation and children’s literature.
Professor Álvaro Faleiros, Ph.D – University of São Paulo, Brazil
Professor Germana Henriques Pereira, Ph.D – University of Brasília, Brazil
Lia Araujo Miranda de Lima – Ph.D student; University of Brasília, Brazil
Deadline: FEBRUARY 20, 2019.
All contributions must be sent only through the system of Revista Belas Infiéis.
For further information, please check the “Author Guidelines”.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Mathilde Lévêque (4 septembre 2018). Translation Studies and Children’s Literature. Le magasin des enfants. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse