Call for papers: Seriality, literarity and popular culture in picturebook studies
International call for papers for Strenae, no 22 (scheduled for publication in 2023), adapted with the help of Sophie Heywood (Associate Professor in French, University of Reading) in collaboration with Dominique Perrin, from the call for papers « Critiquer l’album sériel. Vers un décloisonnement des corpus légitimes et populaires dans les études sur l’album »)
Deadline for proposals (between 2000 and 3000 characters, spaces and bibliography included) plus a short biography and bibliography : 17 April 2022 to be sent to
Deadline for submitting full articles (30,000 characters, spaces and notes included): 5 October 2022
Deadline for completion of any revisions required: 16 December 2022
Date of scheduled online publication: 15 February 2023
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Cécile Boulaire (8 février 2022). Call for papers: Seriality, literarity and popular culture in picturebook studies. Le magasin des enfants. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse